Masha Hupalo

is a researcher and architect who writes and teaches in Los Angeles. Her current work focuses on the way policy and high-frequency data inform planning and design, the legal construct of territory and borders, and new forms of governance and ownership. 

Proto thinking on
Data-driven Inclusionary Zoning Ballot Measure
  • The Neighborhood Protection and Affordability Initiative was a ballot measure in development that proposed an ordinance to increase the base density and permissible floor areas next to transit and services. Inclusionary requirements were supposed to vary in each census track depending on the proportion of rent-burdened residents. We were invited to visualize and analyze the implications of such measure and submit suggestions on how to increase fine-grain responsiveness to the variety of needs in the city.  
  • Type: Consulting 
  • For: Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Together with: Erik Ghenoiu, Andrew Chittenden and Case Miller 
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Year: 2019