Masha Hupalo

is a researcher and architect who writes and teaches in Los Angeles. Her current work focuses on the way policy and high-frequency data inform planning and design, the legal construct of territory and borders, and new forms of governance and ownership. 

Proto thinking on
Homelessness Charrette
    Our collaborative efforts with faculty, students, alumni, and key voices from around Los Angeles led to the identification of a set of crucial questions about houselessness, housing policy, services and public perception that guided an all-school (500 students) four-day charrette. On the fourth day, in the spirit of the design charrette tradition, the products of this short and intensive process were showcased in a comprehensive uncurated exhibition of all projects, fostering further discussion. The results were published in a report.  
  • Type: All-school Workshop
  • Together with: Erik Ghenoiu, Andrew Chittenden [SCI-Arc] and Goethe Institut
  • Location: SCI-Arc, Los Angeles
  • Year: 2019
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