Masha Hupalo

is a researcher and architect who writes and teaches in Los Angeles. Her current work focuses on the way policy and high-frequency data inform planning and design, the legal construct of territory and borders, and new forms of governance and ownership. 

Proto thinking on
SB9 Guidebook for Community Land Trusts (CLTs) in California
  • The guidebook is a product of a series of conversations with CLTs, lenders, and city planners in California that were held to learn about SB9 and how it can help CLTs grow a supply of permanently affordable housing in California. It provides visual tools to facilitate discussions about spatial opportunities of SB9, describe and clarify implementation problems, and inform potential advocacy strategies.  
  • Type: Research Project
  • Together with: California Community Land Trust Network
  • Research assistants: Benjamin Jepsky and Alyona Savelyeva
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Year: 2022-2023 
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